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Chiara em Portugal (testemunho CES)

A Chiara está a fazer Voluntariado Internacional em Portugal ao abrigo do programa Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, no âmbito do projeto Citizenship Lab Volunteering, coordenado pela Rota Jovem 🌍

Lê o testemunho da sua experiência 👇

"Hi, I'm Chiara, and I'm 25 years old. I'm from Italy, and for the past two weeks, I've been

participating in a six-month volunteer project at Rota Jovem Association in the city of


I'm truly grateful and excited to be here as a volunteer; I wanted this so much! I really

believe in Rota Jovem's way of working, in non-formal education as a method of learning

and as a bridge for connecting with others. I'm also very fascinated and interested in topics

such as youth participation, international youth mobility, and human rights, so this is a

huge opportunity for me!

The atmosphere here is really welcoming and collaborative, and even though I've only

been here for two weeks, I already feel embraced as part of the team! The people who

work here genuinely believe in their work and in the values behind each project.

It's great to embark on this journey alone, but knowing that in reality you're never alone,

and there are many people with whom you can share all this! I can already confirm that!

Another goal, besides eating lots of delicious “pastel de nata,” will be to learn Portuguese.

Right now, apart from saying "obrigada"; with an intrusive Italian accent, I don't know much

else, but I'm sure this will be a great challenge as well!

I really hope to immerse myself in Portuguese culture and its beautiful landscapes :) "


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