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Anahí em Portugal (testemunho CES)

A Anahí está a fazer Voluntariado Internacional em Portugal ao abrigo do programa Corpo Europeu de Solidariedade, no âmbito do projeto Citizenship Lab Volunteering, coordenado pela Rota Jovem e em parceria com o Take It 🌍

Lê o testemunho da sua experiência 👇

"Olá, my name is Anahí and I am half Italian and half Ecuadorian. I just arrived in Portugal two weeks ago and I already fall in love with this amazing country that I have always wanted to get to know. This is my first time here and I think I would love to live here for a while. For now, I am staying here for six months and I am currently working with Rota Jovem and also doing a partnership with Take It in the cultural and artistic area, so I am collaborating with the music studio they have and also proposing many ideas for projects and events. I am a scenic artist and performer, and also a cultural manager. I am excited to get my ideas into this space of inclusivity and diversity!

I am really happy to cooperate with this wonderful communitarian project that truly believes in building social networks to hold each other processes and make a positive impact on the population of Torre and Galiza, here in Cascais.

I feel supported and joined into this new adventure, this is what gets me excited about being here, and of course, the Portuguese culture and language that I love so much. I feel included and part of this!"

Feeling the match with this project gives me more input to continue studying Portuguese, continuing to learn about music, improving my social and creative skills, and discovering this beautiful country!


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